No pig-to-human coronavirus transmissions in Thailand, says livestock official

No pig-to-human coronavirus transmissions in Thailand, says livestock official

No pig-to-human transmission of Covid-19 has been found in Thailand, the authorities say in response to a news report that recently went viral on social media.

The report claimed that three children in Haiti had picked up Covid-19 from pigs, but their symptoms were not severe.

Sorawit Thanito, director-general of the Department of Livestock Development, pointed out that the coronavirus found in pigs, porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV), was different from the coronavirus that affects humans.

He also said that though pigs can contract coronavirus, the symptoms they display are mild. There are six strains of coronavirus found in pigs, and they can be classified into three genera, namely alpha, beta and delta. The virus normally causes gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory problems and nervous disorders.

To date, more than 4,477 samples of meat collected from businesses and fresh markets have been tested since the onset of the outbreak. None of the samples have been found contaminated with Covid-19.

He went on to say that consumers can rest assured that meat certified by the Department of Livestock Development is safe to consume and free from Covid-19. He explained that the meat can be traced back and all production processes are hygienic.

Sorawit confirmed that Thailand has not detected coronavirus in pork and has also not been able to find how the virus can be transmitted from pigs to humans.

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